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Pet Dealer. 63 Beekman St., New York, N. Y. $2.00 a year. (Mo.)
Pet Shop News. 614 N. Chester St., Baltimore, Md. $1.00 a year.
Roller Canary Journal and Bird World. Central Exchange Bldg., Kansas
City, Mo. $2.00 a year. (Mo.)

Government Publications:

Canaries, Their Care and Management . Farmers’ Bulletin No. 1327. 5 cents.
Goldfish, Their Care in Small Aquaria. U.S. Fisheries Bureau, Document No.

Books and Pamphlets:

Aquaria and Garden Ponds , by W. H. Cotton. Macmillan, 1935. $1.50.
Aquariums and Fishponds, by A. L. Wells. Warne, 1936. 60 cents. Bob
Becker’s Pet Book, by Robert Becker. McClurg, 1938. $1.50. Breeder
Secrets. (Cage birds) By W. C. Daustin. 3rd ed. Pub. by the author,

Redlands, Calif. 1934. $1.00.
Canaries and Cage Birds, by G. H. Holden. Pub. by Holden, New York,
N. Y. 1930. 50 cents.
Canaries and Other Cage Birds, by J. N. Albright. Campbell Printing
Co., Des Moines, Ia., 1927. 50 cents.
Canary, by G. Eckstein. Harper, 1936. $2.50.
Canary Birds, by D. L. Burkett. rev. ed. Orange Judd, 1929. 80 cents.
Fundamentals of Raising Canaries, by W. C. Daustin. 2nd ed. Pub. by
the author, Redlands, Calif., 1934. 35 cents.
Tropical Aquarium Fishes, by A. E. Hodge. Stokes, 1927. $2.50. Tropical
Fish, by L. Q. Mann. Leisure League. 25 cents.
Tropical Fish and Their Care, by Norbert Lederer. Knopf, 1934. $2.50.
Tropical Fish for the Home; Their Care and Propagation, by F. H. Stoye.
Empire Tropical Fish Import Co., 37 Murray St., New York, N. Y., 1931.
Tropical Fish Handbook, by L. D. Sauer. 4th ed. Pub. by the author, 601
Winters Bank Bldg., Dayton, Ohio. 25 cents.
Tropical Fishes and Home Aquaria, by Alfred Morgan. Scribner, 1935.
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