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internal use on an enterprise appliance, as an SaaS (Software as a Service) delivery, or
as licensed software from providers like Lithium Technologies,, or Jive among
many others.

       White-Label or Custom-Built?

        In this section, I’m covering white-label social platforms in order to quickly bring clarity of the
        role that support and similar communities play in the development of social applications. In
        addition to the white-label platforms, you have the option of building from scratch using Drupal,
        Joomla, .NET, and more. Google any of these for more information and business examples built
        on these platforms.

        Table 4.1 shows a representative set of these platform providers, with a more                        91
complete listing appearing in the Appendix. By far, the most up-to-date and complete
listing is maintained…you guessed it, through a social wiki application, hosted by the                       ■ SOCIAL APPLICATIONS
Dachis Group in Austin, TX.

P Table 4.1 Social Software—Selected Examples

Provider              Core Strength              Examples

Lithium Technologies  Influencer Identification  Dell Support Forums
Broadband Mechanics   Participant Connections    Times of India’s “”
Jive Software         Community Workflow         Premier Global’s “PGiConnect”
Looppa                Media Publishing           SONY/MTV “Gaurida Azul”
Powered               Customer Communities       Radio Shack Learning Community; HP’s
                                                 “Learning Center”        Ideation                   My Starbucks Idea, Dell IdeaStorm
SharePoint            Enterprise Workflow content management
Small World Labs      Niche Communities          American Cancer Society, employee collaboration
SocialText            Enterprise Collaboration   TransUnion, internal social networking

       The Dachis Group’s Software Service Wiki

        Headquartered in Austin, TX, the Dachis Group maintains a wiki-based listing of social software.
        It’s a great resource. You’ll find it here:

        The trick to using a white-label platform solution in the development of your
social business program is being clear about how “social” fits into the larger social
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