Page 117 - Social Media Marketing
P. 117
community—the Trekkies—through an established social channel—Twitter. Figure€4.3 ■ ╇ S ocial A pplications
Shows the Tweet in Klingon application.
Figure€4.3╇â•j‰aH DaqtlhIngan (Tweet in Klingon)
What I like about the Tweet in Klingon application is how easy it is to build
a compelling social program without building a complete community. Rather than
trying to compete with the likes of Facebook, Orkut, or Twitter, Tweet in Klingon
leverages the participant base that is already there by providing a small, well-defined
activity that has meaning and relevance to a precise audience. The additional solutions
shown in Table€4.2 from BuddyMedia, ContextOptional and Step Change Group are
all great examples of promotional programs with a decidedly social element: Take the
time to visit the providers listed in Table€4.2—all have extensive client lists and all are