Page 277 - Social Media Marketing
P. 277

Social Objects

10  Businesses wanting to tap the Social Web for mar-      255
    keting often face a crossroads in the design of the
    central strategy that guides their social media pro-   ■ ╇ S ocial O bjects
    gram. Do they join an existing community built
    around a point of interest relevant to their cus-
    tomer base, or build their own community around
    a specific brand, product, or service? This chapter
    explains how to accomplish either, and why ulti-
    mately your approach to social media and busi-
    ness needs to serve the interests of the participants
    involved to be successful.

    Chapter Contents
    What Is a Social Object?
    Build on Existing Social Objects
    Create New Social Objects
    Use Social Objects in Business
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