Page 282 - Social Media Marketing
P. 282

c h a p t e r 10 : ╇ S ocial O bjects╇ ■with their parents’ interest around all-things-baby, sits at the core. Pampers, as a prod-
                       uct, is clearly relevant and connected but is otherwise removed from the central focus,
                       as it should be. The focus is parenting and the social activities that happen around


                         Figure€10.1╇â•T‰ he Pampers Community

                    Why Social Objects Matter

                       What is it about the Social Web and social media that engages people, and why do
                       they congregate around specific activities or sites? There are actually two answers to
                       this: First, people have in general—and now at least in some manner in most parts of
                       the world—adopted social technologies as a means of keeping in touch. To be sure, it
                       is only a minority of the global population that is involved, for a variety of reasons,
                       but it is also steadily increasing. Sooner or later, the conversations in your markets
                       will flow onto the Social Web. More likely, given that you are reading this, your mar-
                       ket is already involved, whether through basic mobile services like SMS or always-on,
                       always-with-you, broadband social applications.

                                Second, and especially in the United States and throughout the Americas and
                       Europe along with many parts of India, China, and Russia, the relationships created
                       via the Social Web have become real for the participants involved. This includes aspects
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