Page 115 - DNBI_A01.QXD
P. 115


DEVELOPING NEW BUSINESS IDEAS  Scott Cook’s insight finds an echo in Jeff Hawkins’ description of the
                               key insight which led his team to design the Palm Pilot: ‘I realised that
                               my competition was paper, not computers.’72

                               boundary-hopping into area

                               two: alternative strategic                             time

                               groups within industries            substitute                               functional and
                               Mapping a market or an industry     industries                             emotional appeals

                                                                                                                to buyers

                               along the conventional lines of

                               price and performance tends to                               conventional
                               reveal a number of strategic                                    market
                               groups, that is companies
                               competing in the same sub-space        alternative                         complementary
                                                                   strategic groups                        products and
                                                                   within industries                          services

                                                                                         parts of the
                                                                                         buyer chain

                               within the total market. The car

                               market is an obvious example, with high-performance/high-price cars

                               such as BMW, Mercedes and Jaguar defining a clear group.

                               Price and performance are not the only dimensions against which to
                               map a market. The UK newspaper market used to be analysed according
                               to physical size of newspaper versus perceived editorial quality.
                               Broadsheets formed a conventional cluster, so did the red-top tabloids,
                               and the tabloid-format Daily Mail was positioned in the middle. The
                               broadsheet Times and Independent hopped over the traditional
                               boundaries defined by format and created a new opportunity by
                               publishing tabloid editions.

                               The Sony Walkman represents a further example of how elements from
                               different strategic clusters within a market can be combined, in that the
                               Walkman brought together the convenience and low cost of a portable
                               radio with the sound quality and contemporary image of a conventional
                               home stereo.

                               boundary-hopping into area                             time
                               three: non-conventional parts
                               of the buyer chain The concept          substitute                           functional and
                               of the buyer chain recognises that      industries                         emotional appeals
                               a number of different people are
                               directly or indirectly involved in     alternative                               to buyers
                               the purchase decision. While        strategic groups
                               individuals may overlap, the        within industries        conventional
                               typical roles include influencers,                               market
                               such as finance directors;
                               specifiers, whose expertise guides                                          complementary
                                                                                                           products and

                                                                                         parts of the
                                                                                         buyer chain
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