Page 117 - DNBI_A01.QXD
P. 117


DEVELOPING NEW BUSINESS IDEAS  it is rare that products or services are
                               used in isolation

                               meal was being eaten – maple syrup at breakfast, beer at lunchtime.
                               This insight revealed the opportunity to create sausages which bundled
                               together different elements from how the original products were
                               consumed in practice, such as frankfurters flavoured with maple syrup.

                               Observing users in order to analyse how a total product or service is
                               consumed from start to finish can often reveal useful opportunities to
                               explore. Virgin Airways, for example, pioneered airline tickets which
                               included limousine transport to and from the airport for business
                               customers. Müller yoghurts come complete with a separate serving of
                               fruit jam. Procter and Gamble extended its successful Pringles brand to
                               include Pringles Dippers, a new range of crisps whose profile made
                               them even easier to use with savoury dips, which research showed
                               represented a growing usage for the original product.

                               When Tim Waterstone analysed the consumer’s experience of book
                               retailing, he imitated Jeff Bezos in hopping over the traditional
                               boundary of book selling, which held that book buying was no more
                               than implementing a previously planned transaction. He recognised
                               that a large part of the joy of book buying lay in browsing, seeking
                               alternatives, sampling your selection, seeking advice from others,
                               gaining new and unexpected information and ideas. Tim Waterstone
                               identified the opportunity for a physical book-selling model which
                               raised the size and qualification level of its staff, widened the product
                               range and created additional physical space in which to browse,
                               including retailing innovations such as in-store coffee shops.

                               boundary-hopping into area five: functional and emotional

                               appeals to buyers We saw

                               earlier how markets can be                            time

                               mapped against the dimensions      substitute                               functional and
                               of price and performance.          industries                             emotional appeals

                                                                                                               to buyers

                               Clearly these are not the only

                               parameters which can be used;                               conventional
                               mapping markets along                                          market
                               functional and emotional lines to
                               help spot opportunities can also      alternative                         complementary
                                                                  strategic groups                        products and
                                                                  within industries                          services

                                                                                        parts of the
                                                                                        buyer chain

                               be highly effective.
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