Page 119 - DNBI_A01.QXD
P. 119


DEVELOPING NEW BUSINESS IDEAS  unbundling the benefits Conversely, opportunities may exist to create
                               simpler lower-cost business models in emotionally oriented industries
                               which traditionally provide many extras which add cost without
                               increasing functionality.

                               Conventional airline travel, for example, carried social and emotional
                               cachet, with the trappings of customer service helping to command
                               premium prices. easyJet dispensed with all the emotional trappings of
                               airline travel – (ostensibly) free meals and drinks, high levels of
                               customer service – to create one of the first no-frills airlines. Having
                               observed the high proportion of customers who travelled extremely
                               light for their weekend trips, competitor Ryanair researched whether to
                               introduce a price premium for luggage which had to be stowed in the
                               hold (and thus increased fuel cost through additional weight and
                               extended turnaround time on the tarmac).

                               The cosmetics industry is typically viewed as a high-emotion market,
                               where high levels of advertising and packaging expenditure sell hope
                               rather than the physical products. Anita Roddick hopped over the
                               emotional boundary by increasing the functional component of her
                               Body Shop cosmetics – against industry convention, she focused on
                               natural ingredients, healthy living and a positive environmental
                               message and avoided the significant expense of paid-for advertising and
                               non-reusable packaging.

                               boundary-hopping into area

                               six: time Hopping over the                               time

                               boundary of time in order to spot          substitute                          functional and
                               trends and take immediate action           industries                        emotional appeals

                                                                                                                  to buyers

                               in order to secure future benefits is

                               exemplified by Bernie Ecclestone                                conventional
                               of Formula One fame. He spotted                                   market
                               the potential of digital television
                               ahead of the pack and invested           alternative                         complementary
                               heavily in sophisticated systems      strategic groups                        products and
                                                                     within industries                          services

                                                                                           parts of the
                                                                                           buyer chain

                               which would create a worldwide spectacle capable of commanding

                               premium television transmission rights.75

                               Sony provides an interesting perspective on boundary-hopping because
                               the company recognises that certain early-adopter markets represent a
                               window into the future. Nobuyuki Idei, president of Sony, recognises
                               that Tokyo has created a society which is completely different from
                               other regions of Asia. Accounting for a quarter of Japan’s gross domestic
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