Page 125 - DNBI_A01.QXD
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Little wonder that John Richardson, parachuted into Iridium as trouble-
shooting CEO in 1999, commented: ‘We’re a classic MBA case study in
how not to introduce a product. First, we created a marvellous
technological achievement. Then, we asked the question of how to make
money on it.’79
key points
G Avoid rushing into action with the first apparently feasible business
idea you create
G Decide when to decide on what action is required, exploiting the
‘creative procrastination zone’ to explore fully the opportunity to
which your business idea appears to present a solution
G Immerse yourself in the market, collecting and structuring a wide
range of facts, figures and observations from the widest range of
G Choose from among the wide range of predominantly divergent tools
to seek and shape market opportunities
G Include your gut-feel and intuition in prioritising which definitions
look most promising to pursue