Page 21 - DNBI_A01.QXD
P. 21


             G Swift-Lite Charcoal, a UK company originally established to sell
                 charcoal to tandoori restaurants, which discovered a burgeoning
                 market in the Middle East with a product for smoking hookah pipes.

             G Charles Dunstone, founder of Carphone Warehouse, who realised
                 that his company was not just about providing economical mobile
                 phones, it was also about demystifying the massively complex and
                 opaque charging structures operated by the telephone networks.

             G Katharine Hamnett, fashion designer, who overturned conventional
                 marketing by barring some buyers and distributors from visiting her
                 exhibition stand in order to generate interest and provoke ‘scarcity

             G Scott Cook, developer of Quicken personal finance software, who
                 acted on his insight that the product’s greatest competitor was the
                 pencil, not another software package.

             G Best Friends Pet Resorts and Salons, whose introduction of
                 hospitality-industry-level customer service, including state-of-the-art
                 customer relationship management software to track the pet-guests’
                 every trait, need and preference, transcended the boundaries of the
                 conventional boarding kennel and vindicated the research finding
                 that 90 per cent of pet-owners view their pets as family members.

             G IDEO, the American ideas factory which has picked up Thomas
                 Edison’s baton and has made brainstorming practically a religion.

             G Hewlett-Packard, which used the analogy of the food service
                 industry to reconfigure its global supply chain for the HP DeskJet

             G Sarah Tremellen, founder of mail-order lingerie company
                 Bravissimo, who had to establish a dummy geographical presence to
                 circumvent a supplier boycott engineered by a local competitor.

             G Stelios Haji-Ioannou, famous for extending the easyFormula to other
                 markets which were similar, but different, to the airline market and
                 whose easyCinema concept was almost strangled at birth by
                 competitive suppliers.

             G Karan Bilimoria, who developed the Cobra brand of beer to become
                 so powerful that its production could be moved successfully from
                 Bangalore to Bedford.

             G Howard Schultz, who founded Il Giornale, a string of speciality
                 coffee stores in Seattle modelled on the typical Italian espresso bar.
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