Page 232 - DNBI_A01.QXD
P. 232
the importance of planning for implementation
The specific purpose of this fourth step of the idea development process
– planning for implementation – is to increase the likelihood of turning
your idea into a successful entrepreneurial venture by identifying, and
then resolving, potential blocks to implementation.
The blocks which you face will take many forms, from competitive
reaction to lack of technical know-how, from lack of finance to inability
to protect your idea. Resolving the blocks, or acknowledging that you
must recycle your idea further back into the idea development process,
will save considerable heartbreak later on in the implementation
process proper.
We saw in earlier chapters how Mike Gooley’s first mining foray and
the Iridium project were both jeopardised by early failure to consider
the political blocks to implementation. In contrast, the Federal Express
case study demonstrated the step-change benefits which Frederick
Smith secured by overturning the onerous regulations which
characterised the airline business.
ideas are useless unless implemented Implementation
matters so much because ideas on their own have little value. Unless
actually implemented into products or services which generate new
value, ideas are literally of no use. It is successful implementation
which separates the entrepreneur from the inventor, however
successful implementation separates the
entrepreneur from the inventor, however
The British track record of failure to transform invention into
successful innovations which profit the inventor includes many notable
names. This track record stretches back into history. John Kay, inventor
of the flying shuttle in 1733, for example, had his house wrecked by
textile industry workers who considered that his convention-breaking
machine threatened their livelihoods. With the government unwilling
to uphold his patent, and in constant fear of the mob, Kay fled to
France where he died in obscure poverty.