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             More recent inventors to whom contemporary public acknowledgement
             and financial reward were largely denied include Sir Frank Whittle,
             inventor of the jet engine, and Sir Christopher Cockerell, inventor of the

          corporate dilettantes The obstacles to implementation which

             exist within organisations, let alone in the external world, represent
             particular challenges to the would-be innovator.

             In a particularly stern Harvard Business Review article entitled
             ‘Creativity is not enough’, Theodore Levitt condemns as irresponsible
             the compulsive idea generators whose distaste for the mundane realities
             of organisational life make them incapable of executing real projects.160
             Levitt views these throw-it-over-the-wall-my-task-is-now-finished
             creative specialists as ineffectual dilettantes with literally nothing to
             show. For Levitt, such so-called creatives are not worthy of the name –
             they are just talkers, not true creative artists whose work can actually be
             measured. After all, innovation is creativity which has been made to

         increasing the likelihood of successful
         implementation Thorough planning increases the likelihood of

             successful implementation. It is much better to have foreseen the
             problems and issues at the planning stage, and to have considered
             creatively how to overcome them or mitigate their effects, than to
             encounter stumbling blocks for the first time during implementation

             In the Internet Securities, Inc. case study in the previous chapter, we
             saw how Gary Mueller identified that a potential block to successful
             implementation of the company was its relative ease of imitation by
             competitors. He also recognised that the strengths of his business idea
             included his ease of access to the specialist communities in the Warsaw
             stock exchange and in financial journalism.

             His elegant solution to the potential implementation block was to
             capitalise on his access to financial specialists by maximising the
             sources of financial information ‘exclusive’ to Internet Securities, Inc.
             The introduction of ‘exclusive’ material created barriers to entry,
             making imitation of his business model much more difficult.
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