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satisfying the critical success factors The fourth and final                        6 : STEP FOUR – PLANNING FOR IMPLEMENTATION

step of the idea development process explores, resolves and balances
implementation issues which may have been raised at broad-brush level
during the previous steps. It is during this fourth step that you can
determine whether the business idea’s critical success factors can truly
be satisfied.

This step still requires whole-brain creativity in finding solutions to the
blocks to implementation which you are likely to foresee in every
functional area. As in previous steps, you need to combine the
divergent skills to generate options with the convergent skills to close
in on practical solutions. This step offers yet more opportunities,
therefore, for the underlying business idea to be developed further.

At the conclusion of this fourth and final step, you will be ready to codify
all the elements of your business idea into a formal business plan.

the blocks to implementation The blocks to

implementation will obviously vary from situation to situation, but will
typically include at least some, if not all, of the types of potential
blocks shown in Figure 6.1. We discuss in turn each of the types of
block which you are likely to encounter, recognising that each business
opportunity will provide its specific mix and profile of obstacles.

              Human                                 Internal &
             resources                           external politics

Convention                                                     Finance

Regulations  Blocks to implementation                               Manufacturing

Suppliers                                        Customers

                                    Competitors  Inability to
                                                 protect idea
Figure 6.1 Blocks to implementation
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