Page 243 - DNBI_A01.QXD
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          competitors Competitive reaction is clearly one of the likeliest

             blocks to implementation. IKEA’s experience demonstrated the full
             gamut of competitive reaction, ranging from exclusion from trade fairs
             to legal challenge, and organisation of a boycott among potential

    competitive reaction is clearly one of the
    likeliest blocks to implementation

             We saw earlier how Internet Securities, Inc. identified competitive
             reaction as a major implementation block, leading the company to
             avoid head-on competition with the American players already present
             in Poland and to fly in ‘under the radar’.

             Hoover paid James Dyson the most sincere form of competitive flattery
             by seeking to imitate his Dual Cyclone vacuum cleaner.

             As the concluding case study will demonstrate, Tony Tan Caktiong had
             to overcome the psychological block of McDonald’s’ forthcoming entry
             into the Philippines’ fast-food market when he pre-emptively launched
             his Filipino version. Caktiong’s triumph was to be the only entrepreneur
             who has ever managed to keep McDonald’s in the number-two slot.

          inability to protect your idea Linked to competition is the

             idea of protecting your idea. James Dyson beat off Hoover by taking the
             company to court for patent infringement, while Andrew Palmer
             patented his process for extending the shelf-life of his fresh soup.

             But suppose you lack the funds to patent-protect your idea or suppose
             the idea will not sustain protection, making you vulnerable to rapid
             imitation by others? Clearly these were the type of issues identified by
             the Roddicks when they sought rapid and national coverage through
             franchising for the Body Shop concept, or by Internet Securities, Inc.
             when it developed the range of sources ‘exclusive’ to it, or by Karan
             Bilimoria, when he developed the brand values of Cobra beer rather
             than protect the brewing formula.

          techniques to identify blocks to implementation

             A number of techniques exist to help you identify the blocks to
             implementation which are specific to your particular idea. These
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