Page 247 - DNBI_A01.QXD
P. 247
DEVELOPING NEW BUSINESS IDEAS reverse brainstorming: step three The final step of the reverse
brainstorming technique requires you to provide a rough-cut priority
ranking of implementation blocks to address. This is best achieved by
using a simple grid which evaluates blocks to implementation
according to the scale of the impact and the likelihood of their
occurrence. Such grids are frequently used as a risk management tool. A
suggested scoring mechanism is shown in Table 6.2.
Table 6.2 Matrix for prioritising blocks to implementation
Block to implementation Impact Likelihood Combined
Block A 4 5
Block B 2 3 20
Block C 3 2 6
Block D 3 4 6
Scoring machanism: 1
Impact: 2
minor 4
significant 5
very important 1
catastrophic 2
Likelihood: 4
extremely unlikely 5
reduce likelihood of occurrence There are at least two iterations to
this process – the first iteration identifies the blocks and their impact
assuming that you take no action. Your task is to prioritise the blocks
according to their combined score – in Table 6.2, Block A would attract
your attention first. As a result of the first iteration, you then investigate
ways of reducing the likelihood that the blocks will occur. Karan
Bilimoria discovered that there was a strong likelihood that political
issues would block him from making direct contact with the entire
network of Indian restaurants which represented his core market. To
avoid this block occurring, he founded a trade magazine, Tandoori,
whose distribution to the entire network allowed him to establish direct
contact with his core customers.