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The first stage in the technique involves mapping your perception of        6 : STEP FOUR – PLANNING FOR IMPLEMENTATION
where key stakeholders stand in relation to the innovation. Are they for
it, against it or merely indifferent? Once the map is completed, the task
is to identify how to capitalise on the existing support of key
stakeholders, how to win over or at least neutralise the antagonists and
how to win over or at least not antagonise those who are indifferent.

A commitment chart for Frederick Smith’s proposed Federal Express
project might have included the elements shown in the Figure 6.5.

Stakeholder                      For Indifferent        Against
Family trust-holders                                        ✗
Little Rock airport authorities
Memphis airport authorities       

General Dynamics                  

Investment banking community

Air freight industry

Federal Express employees         

Government aviation authorities

Figure 6.5 Commitment chart for Federal Express launch

guiding principles for overcoming blocks to
implementation A number of guiding principles inform this

final stage of planning for implementation. They include asset
parsimony, keeping things simple, the need continually to influence
and sell, exercising vigilance and flexibility, and applying the process
and techniques outlined in the first three steps of the idea development

easyJet combined a number of these principles. In its exercise of asset
parsimony the company minimised staff numbers, eliminated business
processes and offered a no-frills service on two leased Boeing 737s. It
kept things simple by outsourcing a range of back-up services such as
maintenance, passenger handling and aircraft handling. The high
profile of Stelios Haji-Ioannou meant that the brand was continually
being promoted (flooding the inaugural flight of its competitor go! with
orange-uniformed easyJet employees, for example). Multi-skilling the
staff ensured operational flexibility.

We will discuss in turn each of the guiding principles in more detail.
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