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             subscription with unlimited use for Internet Securities, Inc. in Poland
             rather than a retrospective payment by usage, in order to generate
             regular up-front cash-flow.

             Property developers also exemplify this process – they do not wait until
             the two-dimensional architects’ drawings of forthcoming developments
             are converted into bricks and mortar before they start their sales
             campaigns. Instead, they create online virtual tours of the project as
             early as possible to stimulate interest and then create a show-house
             immediately that they arrive on site in order to pre-sell the properties
             and generate cash-flow.

          keep things simple Legend has it that Albert Einstein was once

             asked why he also used hand soap for shaving in preference to shaving
             foam. He is supposed to have replied: ‘Two soaps? That is too
             complicated!’ Apocryphal as the story may be, it does illustrate a value
             acknowledged as central to Einstein’s creativity – namely, the
             importance of simplification.

             In terms of business start-up, the need to keep things simple is entirely
             consistent with asset parsimony. Jeff Bezos launched with
             a highly functional website, where basic functionality and rapid loading
             preceded style and editorial content. Getting started simply,
             economically and quickly was what mattered – refinements could be
             introduced over time.

the need to keep things simple is entirely
consistent with asset parsimony

             The task facing was a challenge of a different order. The
             technical solution required from the outset to overcome customers’
             inability to actually feel the clothes on offer and to physically try them
             on was so complex that it stretched managers’ ability beyond breaking
             point. When went into liquidation after just six months of
             active trading, it had spent over $128 million.

             limit your areas of uniqueness Keeping things simple allows you
             to avoid unnecessary risk and exposure. Rock-climbers, for example,
             are urged to maintain three points of contact with the rock face at all
             times – while one hand may be reaching for a new and previously
             undiscovered hand-hold, the other hand plus both feet should be firmly
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