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             Milestone planning helps you move at the lowest possible cost and
             level of risk from one milestone to the next rather than follow slavishly
             a fixed plan based on erroneous assumptions. The milestones will tend
             to be generic for any business start-up. However, the precise description
             of each milestone will be specific to your particular situation. In
             addition, the precise questions which you should ask yourself at each
             milestone to test your underlying assumptions will be particular to you.
             In many instances, the milestones will represent achievement of the
             solutions to the implementation blocks. Without a process to extend the
             shelf-life of his fresh soups, for example, Andrew Palmer would have
             been denied a viable business model for the New Covent Garden Soup

          milestones as reality checks The principle is that during

             actual implementation you achieve each milestone before you move on
             to the next one. This means that every milestone offers the opportunity
             to decide whether and how to proceed to the next milestone.

every milestone offers the opportunity to
decide whether and how to proceed to the
next milestone

             It may be that a particular milestone confirms that the established
             strategy and direction are correct. Alternatively, it may highlight that
             corrections are required, suggest new and unexpected opportunities, or
             indicate that the project be slowed down, accelerated or even aborted.
             In the case of Swatch discussed earlier, production prototyping
             identified that the number and quality of materials would need to be
             radically adjusted in order for the target retail price point to be

             By identifying the must-achieve events, milestone planning is practical
             and goal-oriented. Consistent with the guiding principle of maintaining
             flexibility articulated earlier, it also provides the framework for making
             running changes to your business idea in the light of continuous
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