Page 265 - DNBI_A01.QXD
P. 265


DEVELOPING NEW BUSINESS IDEAS  Table 6.5 Typical milestone approach

                               Milestone                Key questions

                               1 Formulation of         G Have you established to your satisfaction that a market
                                    basic idea for the      opportunity and need exist for the new venture?
                                    new venture
                                                        G Have the concept testing and rapid prototyping
                               2 Completion of              exercises validated your business idea?
                                    finished                (Completion of the four steps of the idea development
                                    prototype               process should represent achievement of this
                               3 Raising outside
                                    funding             G What assumptions did you initially make about
                                                            processes, labour, equipment, suppliers and raw
                               4 Executing pilot            materials?
                                                        G What have you learned from the prototyping process
                               5 Market testing             and what impact does this learning have on subsequent
                                                            milestones, on your financial requirements and on
                               6 Full production            launch timings?
                                                        G Has the prototyping process revealed new
                               7 Sale to first              opportunities, either for new products, new uses or new
                                    major account           customers?

                                                        G Are financial stakeholders attracted by your business

                                                        G Do you need to modify your business idea in the light
                                                            of feedback?

                                                        G Have initial manufacturing operations challenged any
                                                            of the assumptions underpinning your business idea in
                                                            relation to materials, processes, personnel, reject rates
                                                            and so on?

                                                        G Does feedback indicate that you should modify cost
                                                            estimates or production methods?

                                                        G Why are customers buying the product?
                                                        G Why are target customers not buying the product?
                                                        G Does the product perform in use as you intended?
                                                        G Should you modify marketing strategy and objectives?

                                                        G Can you manufacture and deliver in terms of
                                                            production rates, costs and quality according to the
                                                            assumptions which you revised at pilot operation

                                                        G How does your product compare with those of
                                                            competitors in the broad market rather than just
                                                            on a test basis?

                                                        G Do you need to modify your sales strategy?
                                                        G Do you need to revise your assumptions on customer

                                                            service levels?

                               8 Reaction by            G Have competitors reacted in the fashion you
                                    competition             anticipated?

                                                        G What measures are required to counter unforeseen
                                                            competitive reaction?
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