Page 266 - DNBI_A01.QXD
P. 266
9 Redesign or G In the light of actual operations, are any changes to 6 : STEP FOUR – PLANNING FOR IMPLEMENTATION
redirection of strategy required?
G Have additional opportunities for follow-up products been
10 First major price revealed?
G Major price revision may be triggered by changes in
competition, production costs or manufacturing
processes – does your business remain viable if any
adverse price change is permanent?
G How can costs be restructured to restore viability?
Using the wide range of tools and techniques available to plan for
implementation is a key final step in the idea development process.
Often it will represent the difference between success and failure. And
as we will see in the following case study, it can sometimes create
success from apparent impossibility.
After all, who would want to take on McDonald’s in a national fast-food
market, particularly when they had no money, limited business skills
and no expertise in fast food? Only someone who possessed one
element which McDonald’s could never have and which could be
deployed to overcome every single block to implementation. And that
someone was Tony Tan Caktiong of Jollibee Foods Corporation.
Jollibee Foods Corporation – planning to beat
a giant182
some fast-food entrepreneurs might consider that taking
on McDonald’s represented an insurmountable obstacle. After all, no
company had ever taken on McDonald’s in a national fast-food market
and won.
But Tony Tan Caktiong overcame this and a number of other major
potential blocks when he battled his way to a 65 per cent share of the
fiercely competitive Philippines market with Jollibee Foods. The success
of his Philippines-based globally recognised fast-food company won him
the award in 2004 of Ernst & Young World Entrepreneur of the Year.
Caktiong was born in the Fujian province of China, where his father
was a cook in a temple. When Caktiong was 11 years old, his father