Page 73 - DNBI_A01.QXD
P. 73


             G Avoid searching for the one ‘right’ answer
             G Allow yourself to express wild, crazy, radical and impossible ideas –

                 it is easier subsequently to tame a wild idea than to breathe life into
                 a weak idea, and radical ideas offer completely new insights
             G Avoid worrying about being logical or correct – relax, indulge your
                 brain and embrace non-logical thinking
             G Ignore the wish to be practical – imagining impractical answers to
                 ‘what if’ questions can create powerful ideas
             G Think in pictures – visualise the idea to make it real and don’t be
                 afraid to use your other senses literally to feel your way towards
                 further ideas
             G Maintain an uninterrupted flow of ideas – treat each idea as a
                 stepping-stone to the next
             G Build, combine and develop ideas or fragments of ideas as they
                 arise, creating novel associations wherever you can
             G Celebrate the playfulness associated with imaginative thinking –
                 avoid falling into the (left-brain) trap of secretly thinking that
                 imaginative exercises are somehow frivolous
             G Avoid too much detail – ambiguity can be a powerful imaginative
             G Have the confidence to challenge convention – social norms are
                 such that you are bound to fear that you will look foolish in
                 suggesting outlandish ideas which challenge conformity.

            ground rules for convergent thinking

             G Emphasise the quality of ideas, not their quantity – one workable
                 idea beats five ideas which cannot deliver

             G Avoid waiting for absolute perfection – move good ideas forward
             G Apply robust judgement and logic
             G Be affirmative – this means thinking about what you like most about

                 the idea first rather than rushing to identify concerns
             G Ignore preconceptions – always go back to first principles to

                 evaluate ideas
             G Avoid the ‘safe’ option as the easy way out of elaborating more novel

                 and potentially superior solutions
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