Page 85 - DNBI_A01.QXD
P. 85


             explored and the business proposition was not defined. In their rush to
             action, Mike Gooley and his colleagues were unable to identify what
             specific problem in the market they were trying to address, let alone
             what their business idea would represent. In addition, their research
             had not identified the major impact which the political infrastructure
             often has on businesses in third world countries.

         give yourself time to develop alternatives It is

             important that you give yourself the time to identify the correct market
             opportunity to address before you rush to find a means of seizing the
             opportunity, let alone implementing it.

             Although creating alternative perspectives on the opportunity and
             subsequently on the solution is such a critical part of the process, it is
             one that is too often ignored.

          rising above solutions ‘which will do’ The research study

             on decision-making reported by Paul Nutt highlights just how
             frequently managers search rapidly for solutions ‘which will do’ and
             then move to immediate action. In 85 per cent of the decision-making
             situations reviewed, there was little or no viable search for alternatives.
             Instead, decision-makers tended to copy solutions followed by others,
             accept off-the-shelf solutions from third parties or seize upon ideas of
             unknown or debatable value and then search for evidence to support

             Even in the 15 per cent of cases where deliberate efforts were made to
             develop viable alternatives, there was a tendency to stop the search for
             alternatives once a few possibilities had been identified.43

          identify the opportunity before the solution As we will

             with Iridium see later on in the chapter, there is no point in an elegant
             solution to a market opportunity which is based on incorrect
             assumptions. The more alternative views of the opportunity which you
             possess, the more you have challenged the assumptions underpinning
             the opportunity, the greater the likelihood that the definition which you
             eventually select will be sufficiently robust to allow you to produce
             viable business ideas.

             In many ways, identifying the correct opportunity to seize is as
             important, if not more important, than creating the means of seizing it.
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