Page 89 - DNBI_A01.QXD
P. 89


             However uncomfortable it may feel in an action-oriented management
             culture, you should have the confidence to decide when to decide, not
             in order to avoid committing to action but rather for the purpose of
             creating alternatives and increasing your understanding of the market. It
             is no different to being on top of a mountain – only from that vantage
             point can you see all possible approaches by foot to the top. If you
             don’t look at all the possible approaches, how can you be sure that you
             have seen the best possible route to the top?

       if you don’t look at all the possible
       approaches, how can you be sure that
       you have seen the best possible route
       to the top?

         treat your first business idea as purely
         tentative Even if you think that you may already have an apparent

             solution to an apparent market opportunity, you must not allow the
             investigative stage to be constrained by focusing merely on aspects of
             the market which your current solution seeks to address.

          gather the clues Rather like a detective coming fresh to a crime

             scene, your task is to gather as many clues as possible before forming a
             view as to who the main suspect might be. This is not the same as
             arriving at the scene with a preconceived idea as to the suspect and
             then collecting only the clues which confirm your preconception, or
             jumping to the very first conclusion suggested by a cursory examination
             of the evidence.

             As we will see later with Iridium, this open-mindedness is often
             difficult to achieve and has led authorities such as Bettina von Stamm,
             Head of the Innovation Exchange at London Business School, to
             comment that: ‘Another issue with market research is that it is often
             undertaken to confirm results or beliefs rather than to gain new

          blinkered by convention If you work in a particular business or

             industry, you might consider that you know from first-hand experience
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