Page 22 - Duct Tape Marketing
P. 22

Chapter 1

       Strategy Before Tactics

Anyone who has heard me speak or read my blog knows that I believe
   that marketing strategy is far more important to the small business
than marketing tactics. And yet, the tactical idea of the week gets most
of the attention from the business owner.

    Strategy and tactics must go hand in hand in order for a business
to achieve a measure of true momentum, but an effective strategy
must be in place before any set of tactics make sense.

    The following Sun Tzu quote, borrowed from The Art of War and
adapted in the title of this chapter, pretty much sums up my feeling on
the subject—“Strategy without tactics is the slowest route to victory. Tactics
without strategy is the noise before defeat.”

    The reason strategy gets mostly lip service when it comes to mar-
keting planning is that most people misunderstand what a marketing
strategy really is. So, let me start with what it’s not. Strategy is not a
wish list, set of goals, mission statement, or litany of objectives. What
is it, then?

A How, Not a What

    A marketing strategy is a clear explanation of how you’re going to
get there, not where or what “there” is. An effective marketing strategy
is a concise explanation of your stated plan of execution to reach your

    To become the market leader is not a strategy—it’s an objective. To
serve customers with honor and dignity is not a strategy either—it’s a

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