Page 140 - The Magic of Tiny Business
P. 140


Chapter 1

1.	 Free writing is when you sit down to write with the goal of
    getting something—anything—on paper. Spelling and
    grammar don’t matter. No edits allowed. It helps to break
    through mind blocks and get to the heart of what you may
    be thinking or feeling about a certain subject.

Chapter 2

1.	 B Corps are for-profit companies certified by the nonprofit
    B Lab to meet rigorous standards of social and environmen-
    tal performance, accountability, and transparency. Today,
    there is a growing community of more than 2,100 Certified
    B Corps from 50 countries and over 130 industries working
    together toward 1 unifying goal: to redefine success in

Chapter 3

1.	 Of course, there are always exceptions and ours was Stanley.
    To gain access to NYC shoppers at the newly opened Union
    Square greenmarket we were told that all sales had to go
    through Stanley, a senior citizen who made his way from
    Harlem every Saturday and Wednesday to the market to
    sell nonfood items. At Union Square Market we would be
    reaching early adopters of farm to table goods, our perfect
    tribe of trend leaders. By working with Stanley, who
    everyone loved, we got the best market research ever. Plus,
    he knew how to sell ECOBAGS!
        With Stanley’s help and our entrée into the natural prod-
    ucts industry, we found our tribe and I found more of me.

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