Page 138 - The Magic of Tiny Business
P. 138

Chapter Eight   Share Your Tiny Story

had even more to share and support each other with—plus
we expanded our network tenfold.1

    I was probably over twenty-two years into running my
business when I realized, quite literally, there’s no place
like home. I woke up and opened my eyes to see that in
my immediate group of friends, family, and neighbors,
there was not only a wealth of expertise and connections
but that I, too, had things to contribute.

    I stopped listening for what I needed and started lis-
tening to what other folks needed. I listened to learn
instead of listening to get. And when I expanded the idea
of community, my circle of “associates” widened, as did
my comfort with people within in it.


         Life (and business) is incremental.


    That’s one of the lessons I learned from training for
Climate Ride.2 Every decision matters, yet no single deci-
sion matters more than the next (most of the time). If you
want to go somewhere, you first have to get in the car, put
gas in it, start the engine, and head in a direction. You get
there one mile at a time. Just keep on moving.

    Just keep your Tiny Business moving.
    There is time for reflection and process at the end of the
day. Why is it always at the end of the day? Maybe that’s

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