Page 142 - The Magic of Tiny Business
P. 142

Chapter 7
1.	 See “Neuroscience Insight: How to Break Bad Habits” at

    the Chopra Center website:

Chapter 8
1.	 That’s a whole other topic—the one about how women talk,

    or don’t talk, about business. How we go to the heart of
    what matters—family, health, vacations—instead of diving
    into work. Work is the thing that occupies most of our
    time, yet we hardly talk about that when we’re together. In
    fact, we hardly know what each of us does on a day-to-day

       I personally believe if women talked about our work and
    passions more, we’d find a gold mine. What if we shifted
    our conversations to what we do and how we can work
    together and play together in that sandbox? It could be
2.	 Climate Ride is a nonprofit organization that organizes
    life-changing charitable events to raise awareness and
    support sustainability, active transportation, and
    environmental causes.

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