Page 146 - The Magic of Tiny Business
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accountants/accounting               business. See also Tiny Business
   compliance and, 89                   as “busyness,” 47–48
   forecasting/financial reports,       as currency for ideas, 29
     96–97                              emergencies in, 46–47
   hiring/getting, 39                   as solution to problem, 4
   in plan to quit, 116
   reviewing problems with, 48       business blocks
   working with, 92                     breaking down/tiny step in,
add/adding value, vii, 56               challenging assumptions,
Adeyemi, Amy, 14                          17–18
assumptions, challenging, 17–18         financial security, 20
attention                               profit, 20
                                        risk tolerance, 19–20
   demands on, 46–47                    success, 21
   paying, 76–77
awards, in mindful marketing,        business concepts
                                        cultural roots of, 18
     54–56                              understanding/experience of,
bartering, 62
B Corp Measure What Matters          capital raising, 94
                                     cash/cash flow. See also credit
     assessment, 101
B Corps, growing movement of, 30          cards; money
being part of something, vii            access to, 91–92
Berley, Peter, 28                       cash position, 89–90
borrowing money, 18, 94–95. See         good credit, 94–95
                                        reserves, 77, 123
     also cash/cash flow; money      cease-and-desist letters, 87
brand assets (marketing materials),  challenging assumptions, 17–18
                                     change, exercise for, 44, 108–109
     57, 60. See also mindful        ChicoBag, 82
     marketing                       childcare, 3, 25
brands                               choices, available to author, 2
   co-opetition among, 82–84         clean environment, as human right,
   protection of, 85–87
   researching favorite, 29               2
   studying marketing of, 53
burnout, 106

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