Page 147 - The Magic of Tiny Business
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Climate Ride, 121, 124                  relationship with, 59, 116
clutter, elimination of, ix             selling to, 83
collaboration, 81–82
comfortable/uncomfortable,           donations/sponsorships, 57–59, 63
                                     downturns, preparing for, 78–79
     feeling, 32–33
community/communities, viii, 4, 7,   Earth Day, 41–42, 71
                                     Eco-Bags Products
     15, 29, 32, 33, 54, 56, 63–64,
     79, 120–121                        annual sales of, viii
compensation, 20, 79                    author’s passion for, 3
compromising/not compromising,          benefits to author, 4
     viii, 2, 22                        growth of, ix
conferences/industry conferences,       naming of, 38
     63–64, 111                         on Oprah Winfrey Show,
conference sponsorship, 63
conflicting priorities, 47                69–74
consumers. See also customers           premier of, 42
   as communities, 64                   as solution to problem, 4
   demand from, 85                      start date of, 24
   direct sales to, 43               ECOlunchbox, 84
conversations                        economic downturn, 73, 78–79.
   listening in, 51–52
   with self, 16–17                       See also recession/Great
cooperative marketing, 84–85              Recession
co-opetition, 82–84, 85              80/20 rule, for Tiny Business,
corporate world, jobs in, 1               44–46, 98–100
credit cards, 4, 27, 70, 93–95       e-mails
credit/good credit, 94–95               at end-of-day/weekends, 74
credit line, 59, 93, 95                 marketing lists, 58
credit rating, 95                       responding to, 40–41
cultural myths, xi, 11, 24, 119      emergencies, determination of,
customers                                 46–47
   accounting and, 96                entrepreneurship, as pleasurable/
   attention demands of, 46               educational, xi
   branding decisions and, 50, 85    exercise
   communication with, 72               allowing free time, 110–111
   80/20 rule use, 98–99                to change patterns, 108–109
   experience of, 52                    of mind and body, 105–107
   finding, 39                          scheduling, 107–108
   options for, 82                      as team activity, 108
   recession struggles of, 80           walking to the office, 105–107

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