Page 151 - The Magic of Tiny Business
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risk tolerance, 17, 19                    stories
roommates, 25                                as invitation to connect, 52
                                             sharing of, 43, 117–120
saying “no,” ix, 5
saying “yes,” 6, 40                       Stow Mills, 43
SBA (Small Business                       strangers, walking into a room

     Administration) loan, 93, 124             of, 33
selling your business, 30, 115            stress, 39, 73, 77, 79, 88, 90, 106,
Sethi, Simran, 72
setting up business. See taking                111
                                          success, 21
     Tiny steps
Shapiro, Alan, 78                         taking inventory, 26–27
Shenker, Nancy, 70                        taking Tiny steps
shipping service, 42–43
shopping bags, author’s idea for, 2          business emergencies, 46–47
short-term solutions, 25                     business name, 38–39
single-use plastic bags                      80/20 rule use, 44–46, 98–100
                                             just fine vs. perfect, 41–42
   problems with, 2                          need to do vs. nice to do, 39–41
   ridding the world of, 3                   problem review system, 48–49
   unacceptable use of, 37–38                “starting off cold,” 37–38
Smallholder Farmers Alliance              talking
                                             about your idea, 33
     (Haiti), 31                             sharing your story, 43, 117–120
Social Venture Institute (SVI), 90,          value of good story, 52
                                          thinking differently, 61–64
     94, 123                              third-party certification, 100
Social Venture Network, 93, 123           time
society, impact on, 101                      management of, 44–46
something vs. nothing, starting              as need/want, vii
                                             as precious, 2
     with, 24–26                          tiny, definition of, viii, 13
sponsorships/donations, 57–59, 63         Tiny Business. See also taking Tiny
starting the business
   business emergencies, 46–47               author’s lessons learned/
   business name, 38–39
   80/20 rule use, 44–46, 98–100               journey, 6–7
   just fine vs. perfect, 41–42              as business on one’s terms, xi,
   need to do vs. nice to do, 39–41
   as overwhelming, vii–viii                   5–7
   problem review system, 48–49              as business within reach, x–xi
   “starting off cold,” 37–38                definition of, ix
“stealing” ideas, 86                         80/20 rule for, 44–46, 98–100

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