Page 152 - The Magic of Tiny Business
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   foundation of, 17                       vacations, 77, 111–113, 124
   gaining momentum in, 61                 visibility
   as happy middle ground, viii
   as healthy/profitable enterprise,          asking for, 62
                                              for donations/sponsorships,
   as lean business, 89                         58–59, 63
   magic of, 122                           vision, for cleaning the planet, 4
   making a living in, 14                  vulnerability, 17
   metrics for, 100–101
   opportunity of, 13                      walking
   problem review system in,                  to the office, 105–107
                                              as team activity, 108
   purpose and, viii–x                     what matters, identifying, 15–17
   quit/quitting, 113–116                  wholesale volume business, 43
   as serious business, 15                 “why”
   understanding of money in, 28
   what it is/is not, 12                      getting clear on, 6
Tiny House movement, viii–ix, 13              lists of essentials, 22
Tiny mindset, 14                              prioritizing one’s, 5
Toro Communications, 14                    women, talking about work, 124
touchpoints, 55, 63–64, 73, 79,            work, need to, vii
                                           working from home, 23–24
trademark registrations, 38                Yale University, 81, 82
trade shows, 62–64, 85                     yes/saying yes, 6, 40
TreeHugger, 72
trust, practicing, 65–66                   Zhender, Guido, 80, 123

United Natural Foods, Inc., 43
US Postal Service, 42

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