Page 149 - The Magic of Tiny Business
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listening                                     mail orders from, 42
   to connect, 59                             touchpoints and, 55–56
   in conversations, 51–52                 meetings
   to naysayers, 64–65                        walking meetings, 108
   trusting your voice, 64–66                 with yourself, 107–108
   to your “why,” 51                       meet-ups, attending, 33
                                           mental clutter, elimination of, ix
lists                                      metrics, for Tiny Business,
   taking inventory, 26–27
   of things that make you happy,               100–101
     21–22                                 mindful marketing
   of what you want/don’t want,
     16                                       awards, 54–56
                                              brand assets, 57
Litterati, 29                                 donations/sponsorships, 57–59,
loans, 59, 93–95. See also cash/cash
     flow; credit cards; money                getting press, 56–57
Locke, Hugh, 31                               logo design, 60
logo design, 60                               thinking differently, 61–64
                                           money. See also cash/cash flow;
   clarity on life and, 5                       credit cards
   definition of, x–xi                        borrowing, 18, 94–95
   focus/priorities/clarity in, 6             environment and, 3
                                              having enough, 18–19
mail orders, 42                               other people’s money (OPM),
make/making a living
                                                25, 53
   need to, vii, 15                           relationship with, 27–28
   Tiny Business and, 14                   myths/cultural myths, xi, 11, 24,
manufacturer, finding a, 39, 41
marketing. See mindful marketing                119
market value
   building, 13                            naming your business, 38–39
   conference sponsorship and, 63          naysayers, listening to, 64–65
   on goods/services, 58                   networking, 31, 64
McCabe, Mac, 90, 96, 98–99                 new habits, choosing, 109–110
Mead, Margaret, 30                         Newsday, 42
meaning, as need/want, vii                 New York Post, 70
Measure What Matters                       Nieves, Ann-Marie, 71
                                           nonessential, elimination of, ix
     assessment, 101                       no/saying no, ix, 5
media exposure                             numbers, as lifeblood of business,

   getting press, 56–57                         89. See also accountants/

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