Page 150 - The Magic of Tiny Business
P. 150


Obiocha, Onyeka, 81, 82                   profit
On-Switch Agency, 70                         author’s experience of, 77
OPM (other people’s marketing),              competition and, 81
                                             as force for good, 29
     53                                      partnership and, 86
OPM (other people’s money), 25,              as Tiny Business metric, 100
                                             understanding, 20
opportunities, problems as, 48–49         PR Red, 71
Oprah Effect, 71–72                       public relations, 70
Oprah Winfrey Show, 69–74,                purpose, meaning/happiness in, ix

     76–77, 81                            quit/quitting
ordering product, 39                         author’s experience of, 24
origin stories, 24, 29                       for the day, 113
outside, thinking while, 107                 reconnecting and, 7
overhead                                     your business, 113–116

   covering, 93                           QVC, 70
   keeping low, 74, 76
                                          “rags to riches” myth, 24
Pareto principle, 45, 98                  Raise Capital On Your Own Terms
partners, relationships with, 100
Patagonia, viii                                (Kassan), 94
paying attention, 76–77                   recession/Great Recession, 73,
“pay yourself first,” 20
personal retreat, 110–111                      75–76, 79–81, 89, 93
physical clutter, elimination of,         reflection process, 121–122
plastic bags, problems with, 2               with businesses like yours,
practice, for change, 44                       30–31
                                             importance of, 29–30
   author’s list of, 14–15                   as need/want, vii
   checking in/measuring,                 ‘reluctant entrepreneur,’ author’s

     100–101                                   experience as, 1–2
   clarity on, 13                         resources
   conflicting priorities, 47
   decisions and, 14                         as need/want, vii
   need to do vs. nice to do, 39–41          use of author’s own, 4
   “vacations first,” 77                  reusable shopping bags, author’s
   as opportunities, ix, 48–49                 idea for, 2
   with paper bags, 2                     rich, definition of, 14
                                          risk/risking everything, 11, 12, 16,

                                               70, 90, 95, 109, 119

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