Page 155 - The Magic of Tiny Business
P. 155


Askew, Mollie Nalven, and Alex D’Attore; Lisa Pavlik,
Christina O’Reilly, and Susan Ujadowski; and others who
have passed through our doors.

    It’s all about community. Thanks to my peers in the
Women Presidents’ Organization where we share what we
know . . . and don’t know: Linda Price, Carrie O’Donnell,
Tammy Jersey, Gayle Lob, Cathy Jirak, Emily McKhann,
Joan Landorf , Beth Dempsey, Maryann Donovan, Sandra
Ruiz-Desai, Mary Jaensch, Kathleen Perkal, Deb Volansky,
Nancy Yale, Ann Buivid, and Lucie Voves. And a big shout
out to people like Rose Penelope Yee, Tim Yee, Lara
Pearson, Corey Blake, and so many others who are members
of B-Corporation and Social Venture Network. Those two
business communities are what keep my fires burning.

    Seth Godin brought together an amazing and powerful
group of women entrepreneurs ten years ago for a program
he called FeMBA. We’re all still deeply connected and sup-
portive of each other. Thank you to Seth Godin, Julie
Burstein, Susan Danziger, Dahna Goldstein, Rebecca Rod-
scog, Desiree Vargas Wrigley, Emily McInnes, Nicole Gam-
mon, Liz Forkin Bohannon, Jessica Lawrence Quinn, and
Brooks Bell.

    Editorial Director Neal Maillet saw the spark and
encouraged me to write about the development of my
tiny idea. Thanks to Neal and everyone on the talented
and supportive Berrett-Koehler Publishing team: Steve
Piersanti, Kristin Frantz, Katie Sheehan, Liz McKellar,
Michael Crowley, Jeevan Sivasubram, and many others.

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