Page 148 - The Magic of Tiny Business
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   for brand protection, 86–87               “how,” priorities guiding one’s, 5
   to plan next vacation, 112–113
   for practicing to practice, 44            illustrations
   in taking inventory, 26–27                   “Are we here yet?” 17
   to use other people’s marketing              “coming downtown,” 83
                                                of curling up inside, 32
     (OPM), 53                                  on environment and money, 3
                                                go outside, 122
family, time with, ix, 1, 3–5, 14, 21,          “if you feel like this,” 92
     43, 47, 93, 111, 113, 124                  “maybe try?” 101
                                                need to do vs. nice to do, 40
fear, of change, 15                             not standing for everything, 66
financial baseline, 28                          receding waters, 75
financial reports, 97                           “remember to mail the check,”
financial security, 15, 19–20                     112
focus, on essentials, ix                        thinking differently, 63
forecasts/forecasting, 19, 74,
                                             impact on society/environment, 101
     76–77, 89–90, 97, 101                   incrementalism, 18
free time, 110–111                           industry conferences, 63–64, 111
French press story, 21                       intellectual property (IP)

Godin, Seth, 5, 30                                trademark, 38–39, 86–87
Great Recession/recession, 73,               intentional life, creating/living an,

     75–76, 79–81, 89, 93                         ix, 14
growth, as good, ix                          inventory, taking, 26–27
growth, anticipation of                      investors, 94

   being ready for anything, 76              journey, enjoyment of, 7
   brand protection, 85–87
   collaboration, 81–82                      Kassan, Jenny, 94
   cooperative marketing, 84–85              Kirschner, Jeff, 29
   co-opetition, 82–84
   current demand vs. forecasts,             lawyer(s)
                                                for intellectual property work,
     74                                           39, 87
   getting help, 77–78                          in plan to quit, 116
   preparing for downturns,                     reviewing problems with, 48

     78–79                                   legal structure, choice of, 39
   preparing for “what-ifs,” 75              Lehman, Drew, 62
   staying connected, 79–81                  limitations, as consciously chosen,
   taking action, 76–77
                                                  5, 6
Harris, Sandra, 84
home, opportunities near, 120–121

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