Page 133 - The Magic of Tiny Business
P. 133

Part IV   Breathe—and Thrive
    This is the question to look at if you are deciding
whether to move on in some form. Tiny Businesses do
need to keep growing to be sustainable. Old customers fall
away and new customers must come in. It’s an ebb and
flow. And, there’s the ecosystem—your employees, suppli-
ers, and customers—to consider. Your relationships will
affect the decision you make.
    Build your own formula, using three key elements:
    ®	 Your intuition
    ®	 Your accountant
    ®	 Your lawyer
    Identifying the knowns and playing them out in
“what-if ” scenarios with levelheaded professionals will
support your intuition—this has been my experience after
thirty years in business. All the things I think I know
need to be challenged again to see if I’m being honest with
myself. Make the decision slowly.


     Rash decisions are called as such because
         they can leave an unseemly mark.


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