Page 131 - The Magic of Tiny Business
P. 131

Part IV   Breathe—and Thrive

    I highly suggest Quitting (with a capital Q ) your busi-
ness at least once a year—perhaps in a fit of rage. Take the
time to quit—thoughtfully, though.

    ®	 Make a list of all the things you want that you are
       not getting or achieving.

    ®	 Find your ideal job or jobs that will allow you to
       achieve those things.

    ®	 Rewrite your resume.
    ®	 Send it out, along with cover letters.
    ®	 Actually go on interviews.

    That’s right—see what it feels like to leave your
business, dressed for an interview. Go through all the
steps and watch your thoughts as you do this. You will
get extraordinary insights into who you are and what
you value as important whether you take the new posi-
tion, restructure the one you’re in, or return to what you
have as is.

    I quit in frustration around year seven of my business.
It must’ve been that seven-year itch. I found a job, pre-
pared my resume, and got an interview. I was confident I
could land any job I wanted. But as soon as I got to the
gigantic office park, my heart rate sped up and my stom-
ach signaled to me, “Run away as fast as you can . . . RUN

    I ignored my physical signs and went into the bland,
freezing lobby, found the elevator, and proceeded to the
office on the ninth floor. No one looked happy to be there.

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