Page 128 - The Magic of Tiny Business
P. 128

Chapter Seven   Walk to Work (Even If You Work from Home)

                        Go Away

             “Tune in, turn off.”

                       — Kenny Gellerman, Co-Founder,
                          Enterprise Training Solutions

    This is a big one. Vacations are essential to your well-
being and effectiveness as an entrepreneur. Put your vacation
time on your personal and work calendars with as much
notice as possible. Make plans, go, and don’t look back.

    When you have to travel for business, make it an
adventure. Don’t cram your schedule and then rush back
to the office. Take days in front of or after conferences to
de-stress and wander aimlessly.

    If you think your business will suffer or, worse, fail
because you go on a vacation with your family, you need to
rethink and restructure. If you believe anyone in your
organization cannot take a vacation because it will put you
in jeopardy, you need to restructure.


   A Tiny Business is about building something
 agile and profitable, on your own terms, so that

   you (and your team) can be home for dinner.


    Actually, the best way to test the strength of your orga-
nization is to go away and not check in. Chances are you’ll
return to find it humming along and, if not, at least you’ll
be in a more relaxed and ready state to address next steps.

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