Page 124 - The Magic of Tiny Business
P. 124

Chapter Seven   Walk to Work (Even If You Work from Home)

    Here are some of my proven methods for keeping your
mind, body, and Tiny Business healthy.

   Don’t Think Outside the Box, Think Outside

I walk to and from my office (twenty minutes each way)
with my dog most days. My office and home are close
together, and the route is walker-friendly. I planned it that

    Steps matter. You can always fit steps in. Whether you
work in your home or an office, make it your business to
walk at least twenty minutes every day before you start
your workday. See if you can find time during your day
and then preferably afterward too. Walk around the park-
ing lot. Walk up and down stairs. Challenge yourself with
different terrain. If you take mass transit, get off a few
stops early and walk the rest of the way. The benefit from
these walks will outweigh all the reasons you can find for
not doing it.

          Schedule Meetings with Yourself

When you call it a “date,” it’s personal; when you call it a
“meeting,” it’s business. It’s your business to take care of

    I’ve had a longstanding “meeting” with myself at my
local pool for more than sixteen years, three to five times a
week. It’s in the middle of the day and it’s nonnegotiable.
It’s a business meeting that gets added to my office

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