Page 130 - The Magic of Tiny Business
P. 130

Chapter Seven   Walk to Work (Even If You Work from Home)

  ®	 Connect with partners and clients you generally speak with at this
       same time of year a few weeks ahead of time. Set their expectations
       so they know they can talk to you now or when you return.

  ®	 Create a contact plan for just in case—that’s the 20 percent of
       cases where you’re the last resort to call if anything occurs.

  ®	 Create “away” messages that give alternate contacts for problem

  ®	 Personalize your away message to specify you are:
       u off the grid
       u unplugged
       u enjoying time with your family
       u inspiring others to do the same

  ®	 Create a “WELCOME HOME” message and leave it in your office or
       on your desktop so it’s the first thing you see when you return.
       Welcome yourself back before you dive into work.

  And here’s my rule for responding to messages when I take a week
  of f:

      If I get it on a Monday or Tuesday and it’s important, I’ll respond.
      If I get it on Wednesday or later, well, who can’t wait until the
      following Monday? Really?
  Make up your own rule and follow it.


There are two types of quitting:

    1.	Quit for the day, at the end of the day. You’re tired, so
       go home or close your computer if you’re already
       home. Stop looking at emails. Stop working!

    2.	Quit your business. You are burned out and can’t
       possibly suffer another week of doing what you’re
       doing—even though you’re doing what you want to
       do on your own terms.

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