Page 132 - The Magic of Tiny Business
P. 132

Chapter Seven   Walk to Work (Even If You Work from Home)

I took a deep breath and walked out of that windowless
room within twenty minutes of arriving and went straight
back to Eco-Bags Products with a new sense of what I
wanted and how I could make it happen.

    If, unlike me, you do decide to capital-Q QUIT . . .

   “Here’s how to make your business work

        for you (whether you’re in it or not).


    A Tiny Business is a scalable, tangible asset that you
have options with. You can:

    ®	 Sell and walk away.
    ®	 Sell and stay on in some capacity (if your future

       professional life is linked to the brand, there’s no
       reason to lose the leverage on what you’ve built).
    ®	 Find a partner and work side by side.
    ®	 Find a partner to run the business and become a
       silent stakeholder.
    ®	 Continue to own 100 percent and not participate by
       hiring a CEO and putting key metrics, goals, and
       reviews in place.
    ®	 Sell to your employees.

   “It can run without you, but can it grow?

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