Page 134 - Value Proposition Design: How to Create Products and Services Customers Want -
P. 134

jobs,	pains,	and	gains.	Communicate	the	profile	across	your	organization	as	a
one-page	actionable	document	that	creates	a	shared	customer	understanding.
Apply	it	as	a	“scoreboard”	to	track	if	assumed	customer	jobs,	pains,	and	gains
exist	when	you	talk	to	real	customers.

Value	Map

Use	the	value	map	to	make	explicit	how	you	believe	your	products	and	services
will	ease	pains	and	create	gains.	Communicate	the	map	across	your	organization
as	a	one-page	document	that	creates	a	shared	understanding	of	how	you	intend	to
create	value.	Apply	it	as	a	“scoreboard”	to	track	if	your	products	actually	ease
pains	and	gains	when	you	test	them	with	customers.


Problem-solution	fit:	Evidence	that	customers	care	about	the	jobs,	pains,	and
gains	you	intend	to	address	with	your	value	proposition.	Product-market	fit:
Evidence	that	customers	want	your	value	proposition.	Business	model	fit:
Evidence	that	the	business	model	for	your	value	proposition	is	scalable	and

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