Page 204 - Value Proposition Design: How to Create Products and Services Customers Want -
P. 204



Design	a	value	proposition	based	on	the	technology	outlined	in	the	press	excerpt
from	the	Swiss	Federal	Institute	of	Technology	in	Lausanne	(EPFL)	by	targeting
a	customer	segment	that	might	be	interested	in	adopting	this	technology.

“Solar	and	aeolian	sources	are	great	candidates	for	the	electricity	generation	of
the	future…	However,	solar	and	wind	sources’	peak	availability	takes	place	at
times	that	do	not	usually	correspond	to	peak	demand	hours.	Therefore,	a	way
must	be	devised	to	store	and	later	reuse	the	energy	generated.
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