Page 275 - Value Proposition Design: How to Create Products and Services Customers Want -
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Get	started	with	prototyping	value	propositions	after	finishing	your	first	attempt
at	customer	segmentation.	Design	one	or	more	value	proposition	prototypes	with
confidence,	based	on	the	newly	identified	patterns	in	the	master	profile.

Synthesis	Example:	Master	profile	of	a	business
professional	/	book	reader

To	establish	a	master	profile	of	book	readers,	we	looked	at	the	jobs,	pains,	and
gains	of	the	different	customer	profiles	from	our	interviews.	We	synthesized	the
most	frequent	ones	into	the	master	profile	by	using	representative	labels.
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