Page 603 - Value Proposition Design: How to Create Products and Services Customers Want -
P. 603

Reinvent	Yourself	Constantly

Successful	companies	create	value	propositions	that	sell
embedded	in	business	models	that	work.	Outstanding
companies	do	so	continuously.	They	create	new	value
propositions	and	business	models	while	they	are

Today’s	enterprise	must	be	agile	and	develop	what	Columbia	Business	School
Professor	Rita	McGrath	calls	transient	advantages	in	her	book	The	End	of
Competitive	Advantage.	She	argues	that	companies	must	develop	the	ability	to
rapidly	and	continuously	address	new	opportunities,	rather	than	search	for
increasingly	unsustainable	long-term	competitive	advantages.

    Use	the	tools	and	processes	of	Value	Proposition	Design	to	continuously
reinvent	yourself	and	create	new	value	propositions	embedded	in	great	business
Five	things	to	remember	when	you	build	transient	advantages:

      Take	the	exploration	of	new	value	propositions	and	business	models	just	as
      seriously	as	the	execution	of	existing	ones.

      Invest	in	continuously	experimenting	with	new	value	propositions	and
      business	models	rather	than	making	big	bold	uncertain	bets.

      Reinvent	yourself	while	you	are	successful;	don’t	wait	for	a	crisis	to	force
      you	to.

      See	new	ideas	and	opportunities	as	a	means	to	energize	and	mobilize
      employees	and	customers	rather	than	a	risky	endeavor.

      Use	customer	experiments	as	a	yardstick	to	judge	new	ideas	and
      opportunities	rather	than	the	opinions	of	managers,	strategists,	or	experts.

Continuously	ask	yourself…
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