Page 42 - The Business Idea Factory: A World-Class System for Creating Successful Business Ideas
P. 42

Think	in	pictures

	When	 my	 wife,	 Olena,	 beg an	 lear ning 	 Eng lish,	 I	 r ealized	 that	 she	 speaks	 extr emely	 slo wly.	 I	 asked,
“Olena,	 why	 is	 it	 when	 yo u	 want	 to 	 say	 so mething 	 yo u	 fir st	 make	 a	 hug e	 pause	 and	 then	 slo wly	 say
one	word	after	another?”
“Well,	 I	 first	 decide	 what	 I	 want	 to	 say	 in	 Russian,	 translate	 a	 sentence	 into	 English	 and	 then	 say	 it
“Olena,	do	you	know	how	children	learn	to	speak?	A	mother	shows	an	orange	to	a	child	and	says,	‘It
is	orange.’	Then	she	points	at	the	house	and	says,	‘It’s	a	house.’	After	a	while,	a	child	associates	in	his
or	her	mind	a	picture	of	an	orange	with	the	word	‘orange’	and	a	picture	of	the	house	with	the	word
‘house.’	If	you	want	to	speak	quickly,	you	need	to	associate	pictures	of	the	objects	and	actions	directly
with	 Eng lish	 wo r ds	 and	 avo id	 making 	 a	 tr anslatio n	 in	 yo ur 	 mind.	 An	 analytical	 br ain	 is	 r espo nsible
for	translating	and	it	significantly	slows	down	a	process	of	turning	a	thought	into	a	sentence.”
The	same	happens	in	your	thinking	about	business	ideas.	If	you	try	to	talk	to	yourself	or	think	using
words,	the	conscious	brain	is	activated,	your	thinking	slows	down	millions	of	times	and	your	chances
of	creating	interesting	ideas	become	very	slim.
Albert	Einstein,	Thomas	Edison	and	Henry	Ford	left	enormous	amounts	of	diagrams	and	pictures	in
their	notebooks.	One	of	the	reasons	why	they	were	extremely	successful	idea	creators	was	their	habit
of	 thinking	 visually.	 Albert	 Einstein	 said	 that	 he	 rarely	 thought	 in	 words.	 Thoughts	 came	 to	 him	 in
images	and	only	then	did	he	express	them	with	words	and	formulas.
Imagine	 a	 “car”	 and	 a	 “soap.”	 Now,	 create	 several	 combinations	 of	 these	 objects	 to	 generate	 new
ideas.	You	might	say,	“A	soap	that	is	in	the	form	of	a	car,	a	car	seat	that	is	in	the	form	of	a	soap,	car
washing	using	soap,	a	car	that	uses	soap	instead	of	fuel.”	But	before	you	say	all	these	ideas	you	may
first	imagine	them	in	your	head.
Remember	 that	 your	 super-fast	 subconscious	 mind	 thinks	 using	 pictures,	 and	 if	 you	 want	 to	 be
effective	at	generating	business	ideas,	you	should	think	using	pictures	rather	than	words.	Great	ideas
are	first	created	as	images	in	your	head	and	only	then	described	using	words.
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