Page 47 - The Business Idea Factory: A World-Class System for Creating Successful Business Ideas
P. 47

Quantity	equals	quality

	Imagine	 that	 you	 want	 to	 solve	 a	 particular	 problem	 and	 need	 one	 perfect	 solution.	 Many	 people
would	 say,	 “Yeah,	 I	 will	 think	 until	 I	 find	 the	 perfect	 solution.	 Once	 I	 find	 it,	 I	 will	 stop	 thinking.”
Although	this	approach	seems	intuitive,	it	rarely	works.	Why?	Let’s	review	the	thinking	strategies	of
the	left	and	right	brain.
The	 left	 br ain	 lo o ks	 fo r 	 o ne	 and	 the	 best	 so lutio n	 fo r 	 the	 pr o blem.	 In	 ever yday	 life,	 we	 use	 the	 left
brain	in	a	majority	of	cases	and	it	gives	us	a	good	answer.	You	ask,	“Which	route	should	I	choose	to
g et	 to 	 wo r k?	 Is	 this	 co at	 expensive?	 In	 what	 year 	 did	 the	 Seco nd	 Wo r ld	 War 	 beg in?”	 The	 left	 br ain
quickly	looks	at	what	worked	in	the	past	and	answers,	“Here	is	your	best	answer.”	We	are	so	used	to
using	the	logical	left	brain	every	day	that	we	try	to	use	it	even	when	we	need	a	creative	new	solution.
Unfortunately,	the	logical	brain	is	not	only	useless	for	generating	creative	ideas,	but	is	even	harmful
because	it	blocks	the	creative	right	brain.
The	right	brain	is	millions	of	times	faster	than	the	left	logical	brain	and	is	responsible	for	generating
creative	and	original	ideas.	The	creative	brain	looks	for	many	solutions	for	the	same	problem.	Even
though	you	may	eventually	implement	only	one	solution,	during	the	idea	generation	stage	think	about
all	 po ssible	 and	 impo ssible	 so lutio ns.	 The	 mo r e	 ideas	 yo u	 cr eate,	 the	 better 	 yo ur 	 final	 so lutio n	 will
Pr o fesso r 	 Dean	 Keith	 decided	 to 	 explo r e	 the	 r elatio nship	 between	 the	 quantity	 and	 quality	 o f	 ideas.
He	studied	the	work	of	hundreds	of	the	most	creative	scientists	and	made	a	very	interesting	discovery.
The	best	scientists	created	more	successful	ideas	than	the	mediocre	ones.	However,	the	best	scientists
also	created	many	more	bad	ideas	than	the	mediocre	scientists.
The	vast	majority	of	papers	written	by	the	world’s	most	famous	scientists	were	never	cited.	A	small
percentage	 of	 them	 received	 a	 little	 over	 100	 citations	 and	 only	 several	 papers	 had	 an	 incredible
impact	on	the	world.
Professor	 Keith	 has	 done	 the	 same	 study	 with	 composers	 and	 other	 fine	 artists	 and	 found	 that	 the
more	bad	ideas	a	composer,	a	scientist	or	an	artist	generated,	the	more	successful	ideas	he	or	she	had.
Thomas	 Edison	 filed	 over	 2,000	 patents,	 but	 the	 majority	 of	 them	 didn’t	 make	 him	 a	 cent.	 Albert
Einstein	 published	 over	 300	 scientific	 papers,	 but	 the	 majority	 of	 them	 are	 not	 cited	 by	 other
scientists.	Pablo	Picasso	created	more	than	20,000	pieces	of	art,	but	most	of	them	are	not	presented	at
the	 best	 art	 exhibitions.	 There	 is	 a	 direct	 correlation	 between	 quantity	 and	 quality	 of	 ideas.	 The
majority	of	ideas	that	the	best	ideas	creators	generate	are	bad,	some	of	them	are	average	and	very	few
are	genius.	These	few	genius	ideas	make	the	best	creators	enormously	successful.
Nature	creates	multiple	species	through	blind	trial	and	error	and	lets	the	process	of	natural	selection
decide	which	species	survive.	In	nature,	95%	of	new	species	fail	and	die.	Those	species	that	survive,
thrive	and	become	part	of	the	world’s	ecosystem.	As	an	ideas	generator,	you	need	to	generate	a	large
quantity	 of	 ideas	 and	 give	 them	 a	 chance	 to	 live.	 A	 few	 of	 these	 ideas	 will	 survive	 and	 make	 your
business	 incredibly	 successful.	 The	 more	 ideas	 you	 generate	 the	 more	 likely	 one	 of	 them	 will	 be	 a
treasure.	To	become	a	world-class	ideas	creator,	remember	the	most	important	equation	in	creativity:
quantity	equals	quality.
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