Page 51 - The Business Idea Factory: A World-Class System for Creating Successful Business Ideas
P. 51

Set	constraints	and	think	inside	the	box

	One	Monday	when	I	was	12	years	old,	a	teacher	gave	us	homework.	She	said,	“Please	write	an	essay
on	any	topic.”	In	3	days,	my	friend	Max	went	to	the	teacher	and	said,	“I	was	thinking	hard	for	hours,
but	 still	 don’t	 have	 any	 ideas.	 I	 can’t	 write	 even	 one	 line.”	 The	 teacher	 asked,	 “Max,	 where	 do	 you
live?”	 He	 said,	 “I	 live	 across	 the	 street	 from	 the	 theater.”	 The	 teacher	 said,	 “Well,	 please	 write	 an
essay	about	the	left	wing	of	the	theater	in	front	of	your	house.”	Max	went	home	and	wrote	a	10-page
essay	 in	 the	 afternoon.	 His	 essay	 was	 the	 best	 in	 class.	 Now	 Max	 is	 a	 director	 at	 an	 international
creative	agency	and	generating	ideas	is	his	everyday	work.
In	 cr eativity	 ther e	 is	 no thing 	 mo r e	 par alyzing 	 than	 the	 task	 to 	 cr eate	 anything 	 yo u	 want	 with	 all	 the
resources	 you	 need.	 Suppose	 you	 say,	 “I	 want	 to	 generate	 any	 business	 ideas.	 I	 have	 an	 unlimited
amount	of	time	and	money	for	the	project.”	That	just	kills	creativity	and	you	will	be	very	unlikely	to
generate	 really	 good	 ideas.	 However,	 if	 you	 define	 how	 many	 ideas	 you	 want	 to	 generate,	 set	 a
deadline,	limit	the	budget	for	the	project,	and	describe	a	task	for	your	subconscious	as	specifically	as
possible,	you	will	generate	many	outstanding	ideas,	some	of	which	will	eventually	become	successful
businesses.	 Well-defined	 problems	 with	 a	 deadline,	 ideas	 quota	 and	 resources	 limitation	 have	 much
more	chance	of	being	solved	creatively.
Don’t	assume	fake	constraints	for	your	task,	however.	If	a	solution	didn’t	work	in	the	past,	it	doesn’t
mean	that	it	won’t	work	this	time.	If	experts	say	that	an	idea	is	bad,	it	certainly	needs	consideration.	If
this	is	how	things	always	worked	here,	challenge	it.
The	 best	 idea	 cr eato r s	 kno w:	 To 	 g ener ate	 a	 successful	 idea,	 yo u	 need	 to 	 g ive	 the	 subco nscio us	 full
freedom	and	generate	many	ideas,	no	matter	how	crazy,	controversial	or	unrealistic.	However,	to	be
able	 to	 generate	 them	 you	 need	 to	 give	 your	 brain	 a	 direction:	 define	 an	 idea	 quota,	 deadline,
resources	 and	 most	 importantly	 describe	 a	 task	 as	 specifically	 as	 possible.	 Your	 subconscious	 will
generate	amazing	ideas	for	you,	but	before	generating	them	it	needs	to	know	exactly	what	you	want.
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