Page 102 - Professional Search Engine Optimization (SEO)
P. 102

101  Professional Search Engine Optimization (SEO)

8.2 Build links with IBP's semi-automatic submitter

          Internet directories and special interest sites are sometimes overlooked by
          webmasters because many of them deliver very little traffic. However, Internet
          directories offer many benefits to webmasters that are interested in getting more

          · you'll get visitors directly from the directory
          · a listing in an Internet directory also means that you get a permanent backlink

             from a related web page
          · Search engines will find your website through directory links so that your website is

             indexed more often

          Usually, the category pages on Internet directories are considered related web pages
          if your website fits in the selected category. For example, if you sell shoes then you
          have a link from a related web page if your website is listed in the "Shoes" category on
          an Internet directory.

          Further information about IBP's semi-automatic submitter can be found in the
          chapter IBP's semi-automatic submitter 78 .

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