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Link building                                                                                                                                       96

Shortly after that, webmasters developed automated linking schemes. Automated
linking schemes usually promise hundreds of links in a very short time with very little
work. As these linking schemes have been created for the sole purpose of cheating
search engines, search engines don't like them at all.

For example, some services automatically create blog comments, other create profiles
on social media sites with a backlink, others post your link in online forums, others
automatically create forum accounts. These backlinks can get your websit einto

All major search engines have employees who actively seek for these linking schemes.
Search engines know all linking schemes and links from these schemes don't have a
positive effect on your search engine rankings. Worse than that, many search engines
will ban your website if you participate in a linking scheme website because they
consider it spam.

4. The link doesn't go directly to your website

Some websites do not link directly to your website. They link to a page on their own
website that redirects to your website, for example "

You might get direct traffic through these links but they won't help your search
engine rankings.

5. The link cannot be parsed by search engine spiders

Search engine spiders are very simple programs. If the link to your website cannot be
found easily, chances are that the spiders will ignore the link to your site. Most search
engine spiders have difficulty with links in JavaScript code. If the link to your website
is hidden with a scripting language then search engine spiders won't parse it.

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